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The Pākōwhai project involves two major stopbank works.
The first is re-establishing a stopbank around 5.5km in length along the true left bank of the Tūtaekurī-Waimate Stream east of SH2. This work runs from the State Highway to the secondary overflow stopbank at Hodgson Road.
The second project involves the creation of a 3km stopbank from Links Road along the Tūtaekurī-Waimate Stream to SH2.
In some areas where the footprint of the previous stopbank has been encroached, there may be the requirement for some stream realignment works to provide a large enough footprint to build the stopbank. This will manage flooding from the Tūtaekurī-Waimate Stream and increase resilience from some overflow from the existing stopbank scheme.
Find information about our other projects including Waiohiki here
Momentum is building as we lock in the details for Pākōwhai’s flood protection. Starting Monday 3 March, we begin one-on-one meetings with footprint landowners – those whose properties we need access through or where land may be required. An independent property specialist is leading this process to ensure it’s fair, transparent, and tailored to each landowner’s situation.
We’re also narrowing down materials selection for the stopbanks. The best stopbank material holds firm against water, with a mix of larger and finer particles to keep it stable. A dense, watertight core – often made of clay or crushed limestone – stops water from seeping though, while outer layers add strength. We expect to finalise this decision in the coming weeks.
Looking ahead, we’re hosting a community drop-in session at Pākōwhai Hall on Wednesday 26 March. Mark your calendars – we’d love to see you there!
This phase includes identifying stakeholders, risks, optioneering, site investigations, project briefing, and initial budgeting.
This phase includes cultural and stakeholder engagement; site investigations that include geotechnical, archaeological and ecological assessments and topographic surveys; design work; and land access.
This phase will be complete with pre-tender approval, and approval to move into the next phase.
This phase includes contract activities, management, surveillance, and Quality Assurance (MSQA), production of technical reports, and the practical completion of the work.
This phase covers the handover and review activities, with final approval from the project sponsors.
Request more information about the project
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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