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Our network of pump stations across Hawke's Bay work to remove water from low-lying areas, and move water during weather events. Hawke's Bay Regional Council has funding to upgrade our network of pump stations during 2024 and 2025.
We are upgrading the drainage pump stations in Awatoto (formerly Mission), Brookfield, and Pākōwhai. These upgrades aim to enhance pump performance, improve efficiency, and strengthen the resilience of the pump station operation by installing permanent on-site backup power generation. Additionally, these upgrades will enhance telemetry for remote monitoring and control. The goal is to increase reliability, ensure compliance with fish protection regulations and achieve the required Level of Service (LoS). Specifically, the upgrades for Awatoto and Brookfield will focus on meeting urban drainage requirements, while the enhancements for Pākōwhai will prioritise meeting rural drainage requirements.
The project's funding comes from an agreed package between the Central Government and Hawke's Bay Regional Council.
The work can be broken down into phases:
This phase includes identifying stakeholders, risks, optioneering, project briefing and initial budgeting.
This phase includes mana whenua and stakeholder engagement, site investigations (including geotech, archaeological and ecological assessments, and topographic surveys), shortlisting potential contractors via Request of Interest (ROI) and establishing the principal requirements explained above.
This phase includes procuring the design-and-build contractor, final design, consenting, contract activities, management, surveillance, and Quality Assurance (MSQA), production of technical reports, and practically completing the work.
This phase covers the handover, commissioning, and review activities, with final approval from the project sponsors.
Request more information about the project
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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