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Karamū Stream is a gently flowing waterway where we manage areas of public reserve for walking, some cycling and wildlife. It is also suitable for kayaking, especially in the lower reaches.
Karamū Stream is a gently flowing waterway with areas of public reserve. It takes water from as far as the Poukawa Basin though Pekapeka wetland, and Bridge Pa before flowing by Havelock North to merge with the Raupare Stream and become the Clive River near Whakatū in Hastings.
Although numerous access areas make the stream attractive, it has poor water quality. The extensive size of the catchment means that high trace levels of contaminants and nutrients end up in the stream. the Regional Council has a strategy to improve the water quality and in 2017 designated the stream as a Hot Spot project to accelerate the stream edge enhancement work.
Look for the Hawke's Bay Regional Parks and Open Spaces brochure at i-SITES and other visitor centres.
Karamū Stream is a critical catchment for Hastings District, as it drains water from horticultural land on the Heretaunga Plains plus the bulk of city stormwater to the Clive River which then flows into Hawke Bay.
The Karamū Stream (Ngaruroro-Waimate) was once the main channel of the Ngaruroro River used for passage by Māori canoes and then European settlers. After a major flood in 1867, the main river took its current course, leaving a smaller flow which was largely disused for some years. The Karamū becomes the Clive River below the confluence with the Raupare Stream, but until a flood control project and diversion in the 1970s this was the lower part of the Ngaruroro River. The Clive River is bordered by Waitangi Regional Park.
In the early 1970’s a channel clearance and willow control programme started to untangle and unclog the overgrown waterway.
The first coordinated community project was in 1997. Looking for a Millennium project, the St. Columba’s Havelock North Environmental Group supported a local restoration.The first area restored is known as Park’s Reach, after the group’s instigators, Hetty and Cyril Park.
Since then the Regional Council has lead an enhancement programme with the aim of improving public access to the stream edges and improving water quality. Significant support and enthusiasm has come from marae on the banks of the waterway, who have been a driving force for enhancement. Also involved in the planting projects from Whakatū to Bridge Pa are schools, churches, Hastings District Council, community groups and local residents.
View a short video about Karamū Stream.
To discuss the Karamū Enhancement Project, contact our Open Spaces team on 06 835 9200.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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