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The invasion of aquatic pests into Hawke’s Bay’s waterways affects us all, and we can all do something about it.
If you fish, whitebait, water ski, row, kayak or just swim, these water weeds can affect your success, safety and enjoyment of our waterways. Water weeds ruin valuable ecosystems by inhibiting growth of native water plants and reducing likely spawning areas for many types of fish.
Some of the aquatic pest species present in New Zealand, exist within our region, but many of our lakes and rivers remain pest-free. To help keep it this way, it's important that equipment and vessels are properly cleaned and decontaminated before entering any Hawke’s Bay waterway. Remember high risk species are those that are microscopic. So even if you can't see it, if it's wet, it's a threat!
Some of the aquatic pest species present in New Zealand, exist within our region, but many of our lakes and rivers remain predominantly pest-free. To help keep it this way, it's important that equipment and vessels are properly cleaned and decontaminated before entering any Hawke’s Bay waterway. Remember high risk species are those that are microscopic. So even if you can't see it, if it's wet, it's a threat!
Check boats, trailers and anything else that was in the water, including your dog’s paws if your dog is in the water with you, for any plant material and remove it. Even if the plant appears dry and dead, it may still survive and start a new infestation. Leave debris at the site or, if you find any later, treat and dispose of it in the rubbish. Do not wash down drains.
Wash all equipment (eg, nets, machinery, footwear and clothing) thoroughly with an appropriate decontamination solution before putting it in any new water way.
If you can't clean your gear or animals, restrict use to a single waterway OR dry completely to the touch inside and out, and leave to dry for at least another 48 hours.
Particular attention needs to be given to those users who are moving between different waterbodies, catchments, regions and islands with the same vessels and/or equipment.
Our Pest Hub has detailed information on how to identify and report pests, including these aquatic weeds of concern:
Do not throw any aquarium or pond material into waterways. Instead, put all unwanted pond material on the garden or compost - your small oxygen weed may become the next threat to native fish, birds and plants.
Do not give plants or plant parts away to others until you are sure that they are not a threat to our waterways.
Make wise decisions on how to avoid increasing nutrient levels in waterways from fertiliser. High levels of nutrients running into waterways tend to encourage vigorous growth of some weeds.
Please note: It is an offence under Section 52 of the Biosecurity Act to knowingly transport a pest or unwanted organism to another waterway, and the penalty upon conviction for an individual person, is imprisonment for up to five years and/or a fine of up to $100,000. So be sure to Check, Clean, Dry - everywhere, every time.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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