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Animal Pest ManagementĀraitanga Kararehe Orotā

Pest animals have significant and negative impacts on our native species, bush remnants, pastures, water quality, human health, and the regional economy.

Animal pests & management programmes

The animals listed below are considered pests in our Regional Pest Management Plan, and each pest (which can include multiple species and other organisms they spread) is managed differently according to the following classifications.


To prevent the establishment of a pest that is present in New Zealand but not yet established in our region.


To reduce the infestation level of the pest to zero density in an area in the short to medium term.

Progressive containment

To contain or reduce the geographic distribution of the pest in an area over time.

Sustained control

To provide for ongoing control of the pest to reduce its impact and spread onto other properties.


The pest is excluded or eradicated from that location, or is contained, reduced, or controlled within the location to an extent that protects the values of that area.

Read more in our Regional Pest Management Plan

What do we do?

Regional Council’s Pest Animal Advisory Team manages animal pest programmes, handles site-specific control work, and advises landowners.

We have regional control programmes for:

Check out our pest hub for more information about pest and control methods.

Pests & Weeds Hub

Report pests to us

​We rely on Hawke's Bay residents to report unusual organisms so we can respond quickly. Whether you’re a landowner, lifestyle property owner, or urban resident, you may encounter pests that need attention at some point.

If you need help with pest control or want to report a pest, please visit our Pest Hub, where your report will go directly to our Biosecurity team.

Report the pest using our reporting form

Possum Control Area (PCA) programme

Due to ongoing Cyclone Gabrielle recovery work in Hawke’s Bay, the move to Regional Council-led possum control has been put on hold.

Possum control remains the responsibility of landowners.

You can find more information by reading our PCA Frequently Asked Questions list.

Possum Control Area FAQs


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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hawke's Bay Regional Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /