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This page provides information about why pest control is so important and how you can help us.. It directs you to our comprehensive 'pest hub' and other relevant pest information.
Check out our Pest Hub that provides detailed information about pest animals and plants. You can see descriptions of the pest, what harm or damage it may cause, and how it can be controlled. We also let you know any management programmes or rules relating to each pest - this lets you know if you need to take any steps if you find this pest on your property. We will also let you know if you need to report it to us so that we can investigate, and in some cases eradicate the pest.
Find the pest hub here or below
Need help identifying, managing or reporting a pest? Download the free Find-A-Pest app, take an image and send it in for identification. Designed in New Zealand to help protect our primary industries, Find-A-Pest makes it easy. Catch it. Snap it. Report it.
Hawke’s Bay is a stunning place to live with a variety of habitats unique to our rohe. These native habitats are threatened by introduced pest plants, animals, marine organisms, and pathogens and diseases, which are putting our health, culture and regional economy at risk.
Many weeds have been brought into New Zealand as garden plants, but have escaped into the wild where they grow and spread. Once these weeds become established in natural landscapes their removal can be costly and time-consuming.
Pest animals are usually species that have been introduced to the New Zealand environment. They can have serious adverse impacts on the regional economy, environment and biodiversity.
We work under a Regional Pest Management Plan which targets specific pests for control of eradication.
We can’t do it alone - we need the entire community to come together and invest in biodiversity and biosecurity with us. We aim to work with our community to minimise the impacts pests have across property boundaries and within areas of high value. Our staff can provide information and advice to assist landowners in choosing appropriate best practice control methods, or in contacting a commercial pest control provider.
Check out our mobile friendly Pest & Weed hub where you can check whether you have pests in your garden or on your land, and what you should do about them.
Predator Free Hawke’s Bay’s vision Whakaorangia Te Matau-a-Māui is about restoring and enhancing Hawke’s Bay’s environment, and the connections communities have with it.
Predator Free Hawke’s Bay works together with landowners and communities to protect and enhance native biodiversity. As a lot of land in Aotearoa is privately owned, we need to work together to make a difference to our biodiversity. The projects are integrating biodiversity restoration into business-as-usual primary production landscapes in ways that deliver economic, social and environmental outcomes.
Our goal over the next few years is to implement a region wide programme eradicating possums from our landscape, allowing our native species to thrive and using funding to control other predators.
Find out more on the Predator Free HB website
Watch our video where Mark Mitchell, our Principal Biosecurity Advisor talks about Pest Control in Hawke's Bay.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /