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This page is for our farming community in the Tukituki to understand the definition for low-intensity farming systems in the Tukituki Catchment Plan. These farming systems have a lower environmental impact and in some cases are therefore exempt from FEMP or consent requirements.
The Tukituki Catchment Plan defines low intensity farms in two separate ways:
If you are required to demonstrate you are a low-intensity enterprise for FEMP or consent exemption reasons please fill in this form.
We ask landowners to update their low-intensity information on a three yearly cycle by re submitting the lodgement form. If you have previously submitted or never submitted this information before, please fill out this form.
We will review the submission and may be in touch to clarify the information provided. Submitting this form doesn’t guarantee your property qualifies as low intensity.
If you are a low-intensity farm less than 10ha or inside a DIN exceeded sub catchment and would like to demonstrate you are low intensity for FEMP exemption or consenting purposes, you must meet certain criteria.
The footprint of your property must be low risk to water quality, and meet the definition below.
The Tukituki Catchment Plan defines low intensity as ‘farm properties or farming enterprises that contain no more than 8 stock units per hectare including permanent horticultural and viticultural crops (such as orchards, vineyards) and lifestyle properties; but does not include;
a) Properties used for the production of rotational vegetable crops;
b) Dairy farms;
c) Grazed forage crops.
For more information read the low intensity practice note.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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