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We bid for funding for environmental enhancement projects in response to the Government’s call for shovel ready projects to help with New Zealand’s economic recovery from COVID-19. The total value of these projects is over $5 million and they are focused on protecting our endangered native bush, and improving water quality, biodiversity, and biosecurity
Hāpara Takatu literally translates as ‘Shovel Ready’. The Regional Council and central Government contributed $2.1 million each to a collection of riparian fencing projects that were deemed to be shovel ready with the potential to generate employment at the end of the Covid-19 lockdown.
We work in partnership with landowners across the region to understand and support them in their vision to develop sustainable strategies and good practice on the farm. The Jobs for Nature funding has enabled us to accelerate our existing projects to a wider scale.
Fencing waterways at scale is a crucial step toward preventing excessive nutrient levels and restoring water quality.
We anticipate that as a result of the J4N programme many farmers will go on to plant their riparian margins. This will help to filter sediments and nutrients before they enter waterways, prevent land erosion and increase the habitat for native wildlife.
This project has also provided employment opportunities for local fencing contractors.
Hawke’s Bay credits Jobs for Nature project for step towards wetland ecosystem restoration
Wairua Dairies owner Ivan Knauf has been able to deer fence a 90-hectare wetland surrounded by native bush on his farm, thanks to Hāpara Takutu Jobs for Nature funding.
He has established four kilometres of fencing around the wetland to keep out feral deer and other animals from feeding on native plants and trees.
To find out more about Ivan Knauf’s project, watch the video:
This project involves working closely with landowners and QEII National Trust to deer fence at least 14 sites of acutely threatened native bush.
Feral deer have increased in numbers and cause significant destruction to native vegetation. In the short term, the biodiversity value of areas is reduced and in the long term, feral deer browsing can lead to extinction of species and canopy collapse.
This is concerning given the small size and threat status of existing lowland indigenous remnants in Hawke’s Bay. These remnants act as lifelines for the ecosystems and native species.
Restoring existing remnants is seen as the best value for money, and significantly cheaper than trying to recreate these ecosystems through planting.
This project will allow the Regional Council to fast-track planned protection of these vulnerable areas.
Fencing around waterways
Key outputs over three years
Environmental benefits
Key outputs
Environmental benefits:
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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