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Feedlots and stockholding areas pose a high-risk to the quality of our waterways if not managed well.
Under the new Essential Freshwater package, feedlots and other stockholding areas must be an appropriate distance from waterbodies, meet minimum permeability standards and provide for effluent management.
The new regulations apply to farms with five hectares or more of horticulture, 20 hectares or more of pasture or arable crops or 20 hectares or more of a combination of the above.
You’ll need to consider these regulations alongside the feedlot rules 5 and 6 in Regional Resource Management Plan (RRMP).
Updated rules for feedlots came into force on 3 September 2020. The rules for other stockholding areas came into force on 1 July 2021.
A feedlot is defined under the National Environmental Standards (NES) as ‘a stockholding area where cattle: (a) are kept for at least 80 days in any 6-month period; and (b) are fed exclusively by hand or machine’.
If you meet the following conditions in your feedlot, you won’t need a consent to meet the Essential Freshwater rules:
If you operate a feedlot, you may need a resource consent from Hawke's Bay Regional Council if you don't meet the conditions set out above.
You will need to be able to demonstrate in your resource consent application that you can:
The Regional Plan also has a separate feedlot rule with a different definition. See the factsheet link below to see if this applies to your activity.
Feedlot information sheet
A stockholding is defined under the NES as ‘an area for holding cattle at a density that means pasture or other vegetative cover cannot be maintained. These areas include feed pads (including beef feeding areas), winter pads, stand-off pads, loafing pads and silage pits’.
If you have or plan to create a stock-holding area, then similar standards apply from 1 July 2021. If your stockholding area is existing (before the regulations commenced) you required consent by 1 January 2022. Please contact our consent team if you have any questions about whether you need a consent.
Contact a consent advisor
Phone: (06) 833 8090
The table below shows example of what is and isn’t considered a stock holding area.
For more information, please read the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) factsheet on stockholding areas.
Further guidance and interpretation on the stock holding regulations, including what is considered a stock holding area, is available in the MfE resource: Stockholding definition guidance.
Contact our consents team on 06 835 9200 if you have any questions about feedlots and/or stockholding areas and their consent requirements.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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