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Data from Hawke's Bay Regional Council's surface water network of automatic river level recording stations throughout the region. Also links to data on river flows and low flows and irrigation bans.
We have a number of webcams set up on bridges in Hawke's Bay. You can see these on the table with this icon . The sites send in hourly images during daylight hours to our Napier office. The colour bands on the bridge piers at the Marumaru and Red Bridge sites indicate water levels. Green is an annual event, Orange is a 1:5yr event and Red is a 1:20 yr event. The yellow markers at Tapairu Rd are for staff use only. The 4m mark on the pier at the Esk River at Waipunga Bridge indicates an annual event, and the 5m mark indicates an orange 1:5 yr event.
These images provide you with the opportunity to make decisions on potential risks around rivers, and by comparing images and associated graphs you can make informed decisions on the rivers rate of rise or fall.
Watch our video to find out how the environmental monitoring team capture the data, and how we process and use the information.
You can view our data on a map, a chart, or in a table by clicking between the tabs. Search for the site(s) you are looking for to see current data. For each site you can then access a chart to view historical data by clicking on the site name. You can specify a specific date range and download the data in various formats.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /