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The Regional Council wants to find the structures around Hawke's Bay - such as culverts - that fish struggle to swim over or around. You can help us by reporting any fish barriers here.
New Zealand has around 40 native fish and 70% of them are threatened or at risk.
Many of our iconic species, such as whitebait and eels, need to move between the sea and rivers to complete their lifecycles. If these movements are delayed or blocked, these fish may be unable to reach habitats for completing their lifecycle, and they may be lost from a stream completely.
The Regional Council would like to find all the structures around Hawke's Bay that fish may struggle to swim over or around. We will prioritise and fix those fish barriers that would have the greatest benefit to the regional biodiversity and abundance of our fish communities. Please help us locate any structures in our waterways that you think fish may struggle to swim over/around. Use the link below to send us details and provide us with photos and we will take it from there.
• Raised (‘perched’) culverts or drains
• Waterfalls with a drop greater than 10cm
• Rapids with steep gradients over 20 degrees
• Fast flowing water with no obvious resting places for fish
• Grates, gates or mesh that might block fish
For more information about Fish Barriers see the DOC website.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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