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The Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Hawke's Bay are in action and you can learn about the key actions and what you can do to protect our biodiversity.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council has supported the development of the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Hawke's Bay. Biodiversity Hawke's Bay is now taking the lead on the implementation and you can find out more on the Biodiversity Hawke's Bay website.
The Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Strategy was launched in March 2016. This takes a regional approach to improve habitats and support native species. This strategy takes responsibility for improving native species habitats and populations in Hawke's Bay. It is also flexible and provides for introduced species, particularly where these give habitat, food and shelter for native species.
The strategy was developed collaboratively with other organisations and interests, and sets out a blueprint, weaving together what each organisation does best, adding a clear vision for how they will work together, to include Māori values and involve the wider community.
Here is a printable version of the 2015-2050 Biodiversity Strategy
The Biodiversity Hawke's Bay Action Plan 2017-2020 is an companion document to the Strategy. It sets out how, by working together, we begin to implement the ambitious goals of the Strategy. The six top priority actions were established through collaborative workshops.
Find out more about the Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2020
The Accord is a living document - Anyone who is passionate about biodiversity and wants to share the vision can sign up at any time.
You can find the Biodiversity Accord here
Accountable Partners - have core responsibilities to actively improve the region’s biodiversity. Accountable Partners are typically organisations which have statutory responsibilities or have core purposes to deliver biodiversity outcomes.
Department of Conservation
Hawke's Bay Regional Council
Hawke's Bay Federated Farmers
Ngatapa Station Ltd
Plant Hawke's Bay Ltd
Te Taiao Hawke's Bay Environment Forum
Napier City Council
Central HB District Council
Forest Lifeforce Restoration Trust
Supporting Partners - make commitments to support Accountable Partners to deliver objectives and outcomes set by the Strategy. Supporting Partners are typically organisations which have core functions to deliver biodiversity outcomes.
QEII National Trust
Fish & Game
Forest & Bird
Ruud Kleinpaste - Ambassador "Cape to City"
Pan Pac Forest Products Ltd
HB Forestry Group
The Conservation Company
Guthrie-Smith Trust
Cape Sanctuary
Fresh Air Forests - Habitat Biodiversity & Pest Management Ltd
Christine Scott
Lowe Corporation
NZ Institute of Landscape Architects - HB Manawatu Branch
Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust - Environment Centre
The Family Farm - Mangarata
Hohepa Hawke's Bay
Friends of the Accord - endorse the Vision of the Strategy, contributing to improve biodiversity in the spirit of collaboration. Friends are mainly individuals or groups of individuals who, by signing the Accord, want to show their commitment to work together with Accountable and Supporting Partners. If individuals sign up, they are listed with the name of the group they are affiliated with where applicable, but this does not necessarily represent the views of their organisation.
Isabel Morgan (Forest & Bird – Napier)
Helen Morgan (Forest & Bird – Napier)
Aki Paipper (Kohupatiki Marae, Operation Patiki)
Alan Burke - Sturms Gully Mayor
Sharleen Baird (Te Taiao Environment Forum/CHB Forest & Bird)
Jo Blakely (EIT)
Amelia McQueen (EIT)
Gisborne/Wairoa Federated Farmers
Neil Eagles (Forest & Bird – Napier)
Christine Hardie (Heretaunga Tramping Club)
Tania Huata (Owhaoko C Trust)
Mona Stewart (Owhaoko C Trust)
Bronwyn Dyer (Taradale High School)
Jenny Baker (Te Taiao Environment Forum)
Ewan McGregor
Sam (Hohepa Hawke's Bay)
Tim Mciir (Hohepa Hawke's Bay)
Aaron Garnham Pitcher (member of Hohepa Hawke's Bay)
Heather Harper (Hohepa Hawke's Bay)
Aiden Jean (Hohepa Hawke's Bay)
Rex Leach (Hohepa Hawke's Bay)
Clinton (Hohepa Hawke's Bay)
Alan Dick (Regional Council Councillor)
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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