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A LGOIMA allows people to request official information held by local government. On this page you can find out how to make a LGOIMA using our online form to request information, including timelines and guidance.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council is committed to promoting openness and transparency and we make as much information as possible available through this website.
If the information you are interested in is not available on this website, or from our staff (You can contact us here), then you also have the option to make a request for information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). This applies to official information held by Hawke's Bay Regional Council, its Council Controlled Organisations and its contractors.
or if you prefer, post your request to:
Governance Team
Hawke's Bay Regional Council
Private Bag 6006
Napier 4142
Please be as specific as you can in making your request; it helps us to find the information quickly for you. Make sure you include either a postal or email address so we can provide you with a response.
We will acknowledge your request and you will receive council's decision within 20 working days. You can use the calculator from the Office of the Ombudsmen to determine when the 20 working days expire.
However, if your request is complex, involves a large amount of research and collation, or requires us to consult with other parties, and we cannot provide you with the information within 20 days, we may extend the time limit and will let you know if we need to do this.
If the information you want is held by another organisation covered by the Act, we may transfer your request to that agency. If we transfer your request, we will let you know within 10 working days of receiving your request.
You may ask that your request be treated as urgent. If you do, you must give reasons explaining the need for urgency.
We may withhold information for specific reasons. If we do, we will explain the reasons.
The specific reasons enabling us to withhold information are set out in sections 6 and 7 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act. The most common reasons to withhold information are to:
Generally, there will be no charge for your request. Occasionally, however, if a request is for a significant amount of information or requires substantial collation and research, we may consider imposing a charge.
Under the policy:
If we are going to charge you, we will advise you of the cost of processing your request before we begin working on it. You can then decide if you want to continue, withdraw or refine your request. We may ask you to pay some or all of this cost in advance.
If you are unhappy with a decision to withhold information, to charge a fee, to extend the time-frame on a request, or if you have concerns about how we have dealt with your request, you are able to have the decision reviewed by the Office of the Ombudsmen.
If you have any questions regarding official information requests, please email us here.
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Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
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information or material is copyright to the respective provider.
© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /